Today, with the formal request by the UK to leave the European Union, a decision takes hold which may well prove to be one of the most extraordinarily misguided acts in European politics of this century. We still have 80 and more years to go until 2100. A failure of global leaders to control global […]

In 1941 Bertold Brecht published his play ‘The resistable rise of Arturo Ui’ as a parable of the dynamics and tactics that brought Adolf Hitler to power. A key feature of the play is the pattern of gradual entanglement of initially well-meaning but naïve characters surrounding the mobster Ui, the exploitation of their personal weaknesses […]

The past year of living in the UK has been an interesting experience. Like many others in Europe I have felt over many decades a general consensus on the benefits of exchange and integration, of experiencing the other and living together while being free to be different. This is part of the promise of the […]

In many ways politics has always been a cutthroat business. Most of those who ended up on top in the struggle for power have historically taken every opportunity to kick their opponents when they were already reeling from defeat, seeking to prevent any chance for resurgence of opposition, forever. One of the hallmarks of modern […]

Times are tough for people interested in positive change in the world. The countless important, mostly local but also global stories of success and mutual support which makes societies humane are drowned out by big thumps and shocks shaking our confidence in considerate and thoughtful politics and decision-making in the national and international arena. 2016 […]