Introducing globalgearbox

globalgearboxlogosmallcroppedTimes are tough for people interested in positive change in the world. The countless important, mostly local but also global stories of success and mutual support which makes societies humane are drowned out by big thumps and shocks shaking our confidence in considerate and thoughtful politics and decision-making in the national and international arena. 2016 had all the hallmarks of a year which may change direction, and not for the better.

On globalgearbox we want to explore what makes the world move forward, in the big and small, and where we need to challenge ourselves and others. The hardest task will be to avoid giving a running commentary on the things that annoy us and make many fear for the things that people have achieved.

Over time you will find on globalgearbox a collection of stories of people, our own and of others, reflections on principles, trends and dynamics which can make society and politics more positive. There may be the odd proposal on how to make things better, but in general we will let readers put the pieces together in a way that makes sense to them.

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